About Us

About Our Events:

We aim to hold events throughout the UK, focusing on cities where current Muslim marriage events are not held. We would like our events to cater to all Muslims regardless of profession, race, marital status or age. 

Our events are held in hotel venues that provide excellent amenities. We provide a welcoming, comfortable environment, with hosts that are friendly and approachable.

We understand and have noticed increasing difficulty in British Muslims finding a spouse. We believe that meeting in real life is the quickest way in identifying compatibility that can avoid unnecessary disappointments that occurs through online methods. 

How the event works:

Our events involve table rotations in which every candidate will be able to meet each other (with the women remaining seated and the men rotating from each table). Each group discussion lasts approximately 5-8 minutes and the number of people per group depends on the total number of attendees. Specific details of how the event will work will be explained at the beginning of the event. 

After the table rotations, time will be designated for one-to-one meetings, where contact details may be exchanged.  A meeting will only occur if both parties are happy to converse. Mehram/associates can be present during the one-to-one meetings. 

Who can attend?

Anyone over the age of 21 may attend the event. Mehrams or associates over 18 can attend events for half the price of the ticket. There will be limited spaces for Mehrams or associates due to saving more seats for the event attendees. 

Further information can be found on the FAQs homepage.